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10 early signs and symptoms of diabetes

10 early signs and symptoms of diabetes

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Diabetes is one of the most frequently diagnosed diseases in the world, affecting 30.3 million people in the United States alone (9.4% of the total US population). Even more frightening, the 7.2 million diabetics in the United States don't even know they have the disease.


Realizing you have diabetes can be frightening, but the sooner you treat it, the easier it will be to manage the condition. A review of studies published in Diabetes Care, the journal of the American Diabetes Association, found that patients with type 2 diabetes who receive insulin therapy early have better control of their blood sugar levels and less weight gain than those who start treatment later.


Before you get shocked by your diabetes diagnosis, here are 10 signs and symptoms of diabetes you shouldn't ignore. If any of the signs mentioned here seem familiar to you, see your doctor as soon as possible to have your blood sugar levels checked.

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The most common early symptoms of diabetes

There are a number of common signs that accompany this disease:

Excessive hunger

One sign of diabetes is excessive hunger. Because the amount of glucose used by the body's cells for energy is not regulated, your body automatically starts looking for additional fuel sources, causing constant hunger.

Increased urination

Scientists explained this is that the increase in blood sugar activates the work of the kidneys, which seek to get rid of the excess through urine, which leads to the frequent urination.

Dry mouth

Since your body loses a lot of fluid through urination, this leads to dehydration and extreme thirst, causing dry mouth, severe itching and skin on different parts of the body.

Week looking

If your vision becomes blurry and you have difficulty concentrating and not being able to see fine details, this could be a symptom of high blood sugar levels.

On the other hand, high blood sugar leads to changes in fluid levels in the body, which in turn causes the lenses in your eyes to swell and affect your ability to see.


Due to high blood sugar levels, the body becomes unable to respond properly to insulin and even cells cannot absorb glucose into the blood, and this leads to fatigue and weakness despite eating properly and enjoying adequate sleep.

Early symptoms of type 2 diabetes

Feeling numb and other related symptoms, know them:

Lots of infections

Men and women with diabetes are more susceptible to yeast infections, which in turn feed on glucose, which contributes to the rapid spread between the fingers and toes, under the breasts or around the genitals.

Your wounds take longer to heal

One sign of diabetes is that cuts and scrapes don't heal quickly, because high blood sugar affects the flow of oxygen to cells, causing nerve damage and making it difficult for your body to heal wounds.

Tingling feeling in the extremities

The increase in blood sugar levels leads to atrophy of the nerves in the limbs, whether in the feet or hands, which sometimes leads to pain, tingling and burning, and sometimes leads to a complete loss of sensation in these areas.