Learn German language online free app, For everyone who wants to learn the German language easily, here is the Learn German language online free application, which is unparalleled in learning German, in which he thanked all the German language experts.
An application that offers German grammar and all German vocabulary, is the Learn German language online free application to learn the German language on your mobile phone.
Learn German language online free app
In the following lines, we will mention a group of free German language learning applications for beginners:
Read more: Learn German for beginners online - Learn German
DW Learn app Learn German
It is one of the featured applications of DW TV series. With this application you will be able to learn German for free with DW.
The application is intended for owners of levels (beginners A1, A2, A3) and is also aimed at owners of levels (intermediates B1, B2).
The DW app allows you to gain many skills and features such as finding the right level for you with the QTest Skills Test.
The app also provides customized programs for beginner and advanced learners (at levels C1, C2, and C3).
Additionally, a variety of interactive exercises are available as well as vocabulary courses in grammar and geography.
You can choose between a series of videos or interactive exercises.
And if you don't know where to start learning German, just take a quick and easy placement test to find out which course at DW is right for you.
In addition to all of the above, DW also offers interactive courses, such as worksheets, articles, and audiovisual content via video and audio technologies. Everything is free and ready to download.
Mondly app to learn German for beginners
It is considered one of the powerful applications in the field of learning foreign languages, as this application makes it easy for you to learn German in a fun, effective and free way.
With this application, you will be able to learn this language quickly and effectively with integrated lessons, updated daily and most importantly for free.
The application aims through the method of teaching the German language to memorize basic words and learn how to form the correct sentences.
You can also learn to pronounce letters and related words and even develop your skills by participating in public conversations with your friends.
What distinguishes this app is that it covers a lot of learners from beginner to intermediate to advanced level.
Furthermore, the app provides a hands-on approach to learning German through a series of powerful interactive lessons.
This app also helps you start a basic conversation between two people. Plus you quickly start memorizing keywords, using them to build sentences and phrases, and at the end of each 45-minute unit you can rebuild that conversation using just your voice.
The latter is an effective way to learn the pronunciation of words and the formation of correct sentences. It makes advanced natural speech recognition technology.